Archive for the ‘In the News’ Category

Valued Volunteers needed for 2018 programs

Posted on: January 28th, 2018 by Derby Brackett No Comments

It’s time to do some good, have some fun and get in a great workout all while helping those in need get back on their feet through fitness, nutrition and motivation.

LIFT Fitness Foundation is about to kick off it’s 90-day program at the Salvation Army’s Adult Rehabilitation Center. To learn more.

Runners head from Virginia Beach to the White House on Nov. 12, taking on homelessness

Posted on: November 16th, 2017 by Krista White No Comments

I love a good race! I can’t even count how many races I’ve run in Virginia Beach over the years.

I’m highly competitive. It’s all about the finishing time and beating my personal record.

I’ve recently come across a race titled “White House 2 White House.” The presidential name caught my attention. The clever namesake describes the route, which starts from the Jim White Fitness & Nutrition Studio in Virginia Beach (Jim White’s house) to the official White House.

This race is different because the goal is not about a competitive speed. Instead, it’s a relay to end homelessness. In its third year, the run takes place during National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week.

On Nov. 12, twelve designated relay runners will depart from the Jim White Fitness & Nutrition Studio (Great Neck location) and trek 220 miles to the White House. Each runner will run roughly 20 miles, while rotating in 5 mile increments.

They will continue through the night and arrive the following afternoon at Central Union Mission shelter in Washington, D.C. The participants will run the last two miles with shelter residents and volunteers until they arrive at their final destination, the White House.

The relay will take about 36 hours and will also include a separate motorcade of volunteers that will be distributing care packages to homeless shelters along the route.

Local group running to DC for homeless awareness

Posted on: November 16th, 2017 by Krista White No Comments

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WVEC) — Lives change daily at the Jim White Fitness & Nutrition Studios in Virginia Beach. It’s where good health is shared, often times in an enjoyable group setting.

And it’s also the home base for an initiative that helps a sometimes overlooked group in our community.

“What population needs it the most more than the homeless,” said White.

White started the Lift Fitness Foundation in 2010 to help the homeless community build healthy fitness and nutritional habits.

In just three days, he will take it one step further by leading a group of 10 runners on a 220-mile trek, from their Great Neck location all the way to the White House in Washington D.C.

The annual run is called White House 2 White House.

“Think of the all the miles the homeless walk on a regular basis,” said White. “We’re going to be running through the middle of the night. It’s an amazing feat. It’s inspirational.”

That inspiration is something they’ve passed along in the three years they’ve completed the run.

The team raises money for homeless programs along the way. They even bring boxes full of essentials to hand out when they’re done.

“It brings it all together for these men and women who do the program,” said Lift Foundation board member Jenae Spencer.