Lifting Soles Shoe Drive

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JWCFF-Lifting Soles Program

As the seasons change, so do our athletic shoes. We grab the bright running shoes for the 5Ks we plan to run in and sport all shades of Nikes throughout the warmer seasons. Instead of collecting those 50 shades of shoes you’ll wear once or twice… bring your lightly worn athletic shoes to a Jim White Fitness & Nutrition Studios location. Beginning January 20th until March 1st, every year, we’ll have blue bins in all three studios set for collecting shoes for our Lifting Soles Shoe Drive.

The Lifting Soles Shoe Drive allows us to help those less fortunate to be fully prepared for their fitness journey through our LIFT program.

Many of our LIFT athletes are unable to afford shoes to exercise in. Just by donating a pair of shoes you can help one of our athletes achieve their fitness goals. We know that without the appropriate shoes our athletes would be unable to complete the exercises correctly but the proper shoe also gives them far greater confidence to do so. Any running, tennis or cross-training shoes are accepted.

And don’t worry, if you’re not ready to part with those shoes just yet, you can bring them in anytime of the year. We are always collecting shoes.