White House 2 White House

 LIFT’s 2020 WH2WH Relay Fundraiser

The LIFT Fitness Foundation is proud to announce its 5th White House to White House Relay Fundraiser. 12 volunteer runners will depart November 7, 2020 from the Central Union Mission in Washington DC and run 200 miles back to Virginia Beach to raise awareness for the crises of hunger and homelessness in our country and to raise $18,000 to support the mission of LIFT, propelling the organization into 2021.

Now more than ever the mission of LIFT, to uplift individuals in need through wellness; giving them hope, encouragement and a sense of belonging as they prepare to take steps forward in their lives, is critical. Spending time with people in need and providing quality instruction by wellness professionals, LIFT helps to restore dignity to people, allowing them to move forward toward housing, employment, restored relations with family, and other growth areas.

Your support of this event:
· Ensures LIFT can meet the demand for this life-changing program in our community
· Supports curriculum development from certified wellness professionals for greatest impact
· Supplies LIFT Athletes with safe and comfortable athletic clothing, sneakers and fitness supplies


We’re already making great progress in hitting our $18,000 goal. Help us get the rest of the way!


To sponsor the event, please review the form linked.



